Safety Observation

Safety Observation Dashboard

Objective:To fetch details of Safety Observation with various filters to have data in a more prescribed format.

Statistical Dashboard

Image 1

  1. Login as the system user and select filters viz Timeline, Unit, Visited Plant,Observation category & Grade.
  2. Data in different format with details will be fetched.
  3. The Safety Observation details can be downloaded in Excel format by clicking Export to Excel button.
  4. There are various options available in terms of graphs viz- Column, Table, Bar, Donut, Line. User can select the graph type to generate the meeting data.
  5. The graph data can be downloaded in png with export to png.

    Image 2

  6. Safety Observation Dashboard will fetch details for Timeline, Unit , Observer Plant, Category & Compliance.
  7. Data for Month wise Safety Observation , Corrective Action Status, Plant wise Safety Observation will be populated.
  8. There are option to generate data in different formats viz Line, Bar, Donut, Table which can be selected by clicking on Three dots on right hand side of every graph.