Safety Observation

Safety Observation Action Item

Objective:It allows user to take action against CAPA of reported Safety Observation in the system.

Image 1

  1. Login as any system user and navigate to My Task | My Action | For Your Action
  2. All tasks assigned to user will be displayed in a tabular manner.
  3. Click Subject, Section, Action to be Taken, Assign Date, Assigned By, Target Date and Status on header on the table to view the tasks in ascending/descending order.
  4. Click on “Hyperlinked Subject” in Subject column to review incident which will be opened in different tab. (Image 1)
  5. By default, all prefilled data will automatically be displayed, and it will be disabled.
  6. To take action against a particular incident, select action from drop down list in Authorization section:
    1. In-Progress: This will change the status from pending to In-progress when assigned action item is yet to be completed.
    2. Revise Date: This will help to revise the date when assigned target date is not achievable.
    3. Complete: This will completed the assigned task and send to review as per action item workflow.
    4. Assign to Person(s): This option allows Plant HOD to assign the task to some other person as all Safety Observation Action Items are by default assigned to Plant HOD.
  7. Click “Submit” button to save the data.

Note :

  • The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.