PSSR Team Member

  1. Login with valid credentials
  2. Under “For Your Action”, Identify the PSSR number like
    • GFLD1/CA/PSSR/2022/XXXX-Sent for review


Figure 1

  1. Click on required PSSR number to be reviewed.
  2. Basic details are fetched automatically from previously saved PSSR which will be in disable mode.
  3. Check the checklist and select the required category or subject in the list
    1. System provides 4 action status to be selected for required category
      1. Not Applicable
      2. Yes
      3. Before Start Up
      4. After Start Up
    2. By default, status of action will be “Not Applicable”
    3. Action Item is mandatory when “before and after start up” is selected
  4. Select the “Action” from Authorization section
  5. Click on Submit